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HomeAdventThe 2023 Denver Catholic Christmas Gift Guide

The 2023 Denver Catholic Christmas Gift Guide

It’s the most wonderful time of year…again! We present to you Denver Catholic’s annual Christmas gift guide, featuring the latest and greatest in Catholic gifts. As always, we tried to cover all the bases and hope these gift ideas inspire joy in those who receive them. We’ve even included some gift ideas for our priests as well! May the Lord bless your Advent and Christmas seasons abundantly!


Sister Seraphina Mysteries (paulinestore.com)
Light of the Saints (wordonfire.org)
Sister Clare Gets Ready for Prayer (tanbooks.com)
Rosary Quiet Book (littleroseshop.com)
Religious Wooden Puzzle (beaheart.com)


Motherboards (loveyourmotherboard.com)
Journeys of St. Paul board game (sophiainstitute.com)
Baritus Catholic t-shirts (barituscatholic.etsy.com)
Voyage Comics (voyagecomics.com)
Blessed Carlo Acutis: A Saint in Sneakers by Courtney Mares (ignatius.com)


Food for the Soul Book set (wordonfire.org)
Personalized priest coffee tumbler (catholiccompany.com)
What is Christianity? The Last Writings by Pope Benedict XVI (ignatius.com)
Liturgy of the Hours set (catholicbookpublishing.com)
Gift cards (books, movies, food)


Exogenesis by Peco Gazkovski (ignatius.com)
How the Eucharist Can Save Civilization by Jared Staudt (tanbooks.com)
Tolkien’s Faith by Holly Ordway (wordonfire.org)
That Was Father Stu by Father Bart Tolleson (igntaius.com)
Lord of the World by Robert Hugh Benson (voyagecomics.com)

Religious gifts

Catholic Woodworker Rosaries + Home Altars (catholicwoodworker.com)
Catechism of the Catholic Church, Ascension Edition (ascensionpress.com)
Word On Fire Bible (wordonfire.org)
Elizabeth Zelasko Icon prints (elizabethzelasko.com)
Bethlehem Handicrafts (bethlehemhandicrafts.com)

Catholic Lifestyle + Home

Living the Seasons by Erica Tighe Campbell (avemariapress.com)
Theology of Home IV: Arranging the Seasons by Emily Malloy (theologyofhome.com)
House of Joppa (houseofjoppa.com)
West Coast Catholic (westcoastcatholic.co)
Kerygma Candle and Co. (kerygmacandle.com)

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Digital Subscriptions

Hallow (hallow.com)
Exodus 90 (exodus90.com)
Word on Fire Digital (wofdigital.org)
FORMED (formed.org)
Amen app (amenapp.com)

Coffee and treats

Seven Weeks Coffee (sevenweekscoffee.com)
Mystic Monk Coffee (mysticmonkcoffee.com)
Stargazer Chocolates (stargazerfinechocolates.com)


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