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HomeOpinionBuilding a culture of life in Colorado

Building a culture of life in Colorado

There’s no reason for a woman to have an abortion in Colorado, which has been legal for decades. And there’s no reason for anyone to take their own life through physician-assisted suicide, which was approved by Colorado voters as Proposition 106 on Nov. 8.

Just because something is legal doesn’t make it right. And just because you have that choice doesn’t mean you should choose it.

Abortion and euthanasia are two of the “non-negotiables” that Catholics must never endorse or participate in. Not only do we stand against the culture of death, no matter what, but we are called by Our Lord Jesus Christ to defend life from conception to natural death.

So if you, or someone you know, is contemplating abortion or considering euthanasia, Catholic Charities stands ready to help. We will care for those individuals in crisis, or find help for them.

I ask that you join us through prayer, volunteerism and financial support. A great way to do that is to schedule a donation to Catholic Charities at coloradogives.org/ccdenver in advance of Colorado Gives Day on Tuesday, Dec. 6.

The only way to defeat the culture of death is to be a people of life. That’s why Catholic Charities is building a continuum of care throughout northern Colorado. To see all that we’re doing to serve children and vulnerable people of all ages, go to our website (ccdenver.org) and also sign up for our Charity Works publication.

For a woman experiencing an unintended pregnancy, Catholic Charities not only provides counseling and compassion, we provide her with medical care through Marisol Health (marisolhealth.com) before and after the birth of her child. We can also meet needs for diapers, formula and baby clothes, as well as provide shelter, educational opportunities and job training. We can provide everything that an expectant mother needs not only to give life to her child, but to have a life with her child.

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Those at the end of life should know about Divine Mercy Supportive Care (dmsci.org), a Colorado-based Catholic non-profit agency that provides palliative and hospice care that is “always consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church,” while “available for persons of any religious belief.” They provide people at the end of life with loving, merciful and compassionate care. Everyone facing end-of-life decisions deserves the dignity that God gave them to live through to the natural end.

The continuum of care from conception to natural death is not about being Catholic, it’s about being human. We care for everyone not because they’re Catholic, but because we’re Catholic. The Catholic Church has always served the most vulnerable in the spirit of the Good Samaritan.

To repeat, there’s no reason to take the life of a child in the womb through abortion, or for anyone to take their own life through euthanasia. Charity is really about helping those who need it most. If you are in a desperate situation, you may think that there’s no one to take care of you. Or that you can’t handle the pain. Or that you’re totally alone.

We will take care of you. When you’ve lost hope, call us. We’re the hope in Jesus Christ.

Larry Smith
Larry Smith
Larry Smith is the former CEO and Executive Director of Catholic Charities of Denver.

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