In a world filled to the brim with anxiety, division, suffering and despair, the Christian is called to be a light, a beacon of hope. Where does that hope come from? For Father John Riccardo and the ACTS XXIX team, it comes “from knowing The Story, and meeting the only One Who makes all the difference in life!” To introduce others to The Story and bring about an encounter with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, ACTS XXIX is launching The Rescue Project Challenge. Based on a longer, eight-week series of videos, the 14-day challenge will include podcasts of daily prayer and reflections led by Father Riccardo, coupled with time for quiet listening for the Lord’s voice. “Everything we do in ACTS XXIX is motivated by the conviction that Jesus is Lord, has no rival, is not nervous right now and has created us for these days in which we live,” said Albert Faraj, a missionary with the organization. “This is what led us to create The Rescue Project, an eight-week series of videos on the gospel, intended for use in small groups, with an emphasis on not only overwhelming people with the power of the gospel, but mobilizing them for mission.” As the Archdiocese of Denver has mobilized for mission over the past several years, ACTS XXIX has provided crucial support through its framework for presenting the kerygma, that is, the good news of the Gospel. The archdiocese’s priests, curia and faithful received that Gospel message anew on private retreats, in Pastoral Letters from Archbishop Aquila and in the archdiocesan Advent preaching series in 2021. Since then, the archdiocesan move to mission has been punctuated by a profound call to put on an apostolic mindset, a way of seeing, thinking and acting rooted in the Gospel, despite challenges and distractions in the world. The Rescue Project Challenge aims to re-present the Gospel to remind the faithful of the importance of the biblical worldview. “What I’m going to try to propose is not something I’ve made up. It’s not a story I’ve created. It’s just the Gospel,” Father Riccardo said in an introduction to the project provided to the Denver Catholic. “My task is really simple. I’m not going to try to convince you of anything. I’m just going to tell the story the way that God has led us and our ministry to tell the story. And I’m going to let him do what only he can. “We hope that, whether this is the first time you’re ever hearing the Gospel or it’s the 10,000 time, God, in a way that only he can, will overwhelm you by what he’s done for us in his son, Jesus,” Father Riccardo continued. “ that he’ll move us to surrender our whole lives to him. Because, even if you’ve already done that, we’ve got to do it again today. And that he’ll mobilize us for mission.” In short, Father Riccardo said, the goal is to reinvigorate the virtue of hope, which only God can give. “I pray that by the time we get done, you’ll have hope,” he concluded. “We’re living in a culture right now, a world right now, which is riddled with despair, fear, anxiety and anger. God wants to shatter all that. And that comes from soaking in the Gospel.” For more information on The Rescue Project Challenge and to sign up for daily notifications, visit the Rescue Project website, sponsored by ACTS XXIX.