It’s no secret that the media landscape is a chaotic one these days, and it can be hard to find news sources you can trust for information and analysis.
Fortunately for Catholics, the number of faithful and robust Catholic news services is growing in number and quantity. While one’s diocesan newspaper is always a good source of news, many solid options for national and world news abound.
In honor of Catholic Press Month, a few members of the communications team of the Archdiocese of Denver picked their favorite sources for Catholic News. Which one is your favorite?

Karna Swanson Executive Director of Communications “I prefer primary sources for my Catholic news, such as Vatican.va or ZENIT; specifically, I prefer to receive daily newsletters sent directly to my inbox. These are the best sources I know for finding out what the Pope is actually saying and doing, and not just what one reporter determined to be important. For analysis of the latest issues, I frequent First Things, Crisis, Crux, and National Catholic Register.”

Andrew Wright Director of Denver Catholic “I use the Flipboard app to get a variety of aggregated content that gives me large exposure to stories and content from Catholic News Service, Catholic News Agency/EWTN News, National Catholic Register, ZENIT, the Vatican, and Crux. I also follow the Pope on Instagram—just to stay up on what he’s up to.”

Joshua Karabinos Director of Marketing and Services “I thought NewAdvent.org was every Catholic’s home page? The design is perfectly no nonsense and gets you immediately to what you’re looking for. The curated material is updated several times a day, and the site is always on top of the latest breaking news stories. It’s great Catholic content that’s typically peppered with some funny or interesting secular links. More than just news, NewAdvent.org is better known to some as the best online Catholic encyclopedia and a location for many of the great works of the Catholic Church.”

Kelly Seeman Operations Manager “I use an app on my iPhone called Laudate which offers links to various Catholic media sources. I find that the app is helpful for browsing topics offered by EWTN, Catholic TV and Vatican Insider. I like the app because it offers multi-media news sources that I can either watch or listen to. It even has a link to the Pope App and an interactive rosary.”

Mike O’Neill Advertising Manager “I rely on the Denver Catholic for accurate reporting of the news. I find the information contained in the pages of the newspaper and the online articles to be crucial reading for understanding happenings around the globe and how they may affect the Catholic community of northern Colorado. I trust its writers to distill, from the overwhelming array of global information available to everyone today, the data for me on what I need to know.”

Aaron Lambert Writer, Denver Catholic “When it comes to Catholic news, I have two go-to sources: National Catholic Register and Aleteia. I’m very impressed with the way National Catholic Register reports on issues of and relating to the Church, and Aleteia has solid, well-written content that often relates the faith to trending topics. I say this with the caveat that I don’t check these sites daily; for day-to-day news, Twitter does its job to keep me informed.”

Therese Aaker Writer, Denver Catholic “I keep up with Catholic News Agency via Facebook for the most part. I appreciate that they’re not only on top of the latest in Catholic news, but they’re also really great about having relevant issues covered. They’re not scared of shying away from controversial topics, but they relate it through the voice of the Catholic worldview.”

Brett Bussen Digital Services “I like Aleteia for their short and relevant articles that are intriguing and quick to read. I really appreciate the variety of articles and videos they share on Facebook, since that tends to be my primary medium for news content.”

Patrick Finegan Digital Services “I use Twitter to find my news. I follow various news outlets and high profile accounts to discover relevant and important news articles with minimal search and time-wasting.”

Morgan Rosand Parish Services “When it comes to staying updated on Catholic news, I get my local updates from the Denver Catholic and also frequent Catholic News Agency and ZENIT.”

Kim Grace Advertising Representative “For my local source to keep in touch with goings on close to me, I read the Denver Catholic newspaper and stg-denvercatholic2-stg.kinsta.cloud. Then for my broader Catholic source, EWTN has a Catholic news tab that offers updated stories of news happening nationally and internationally.”

Clemente Carballo Advertising Representative “I trust the writers of El Pueblo Católico to give news about the Catholic community of northern Colorado, and I also rely on El Pueblo.com, or ACI Prensa to get news about the Vatican and the Pope.”