Men who’ve thought about a call to the diaconate are invited to a one-day discernment retreat in Denver.
The archdiocese’s St. Francis School of Theology for Deacons will host the first of a series of retreats June 28 for men seeking information and guidance.
The day will include spiritual time to aid men in discerning ordination into holy orders.
A deacon, meaning “servant” in Greek, has a special attachment to the bishop and is ordained to the ministry of service. Deacons may serve the Church by baptizing, proclaiming the Gospel, preaching, presiding at marriages and funerals, and assisting bishops and priests during Mass. Deacons cannot consecrate the Eucharist or hear confessions.
Since the Second Vatican Council, the Church restored the diaconate as a permanent rank of holy orders. Both married and unmarried men may receive the sacrament.
Some deacons may find they’re called to minister in one of many ways. Deacons may minister to prisoners, the sick, migrants, the poor and marginalized or be assigned to help serve a priest at a parish.
The upcoming retreats include time for Q-and-A. Married men are asked to bring their wives, since a commitment to serve the Church involves the entire family.
The retreats begin with Mass at 8 a.m. at the John Paul II Center, 1300 S. Steele St., in Denver. The day ends by 4:15 p.m.
Those interested in pursuing the vocation are asked to meet with their pastor for an initial discernment then register for the discernment day by calling 303-715-3236. A pastor will submit a recommendation and the candidates are asked to submit an application.
Deaconate Discernment Retreat Ever thought about being a deacon? Consider an upcoming discernment day.
When: June 28, July 26, Sept. 13 or Oct. 11
RSVP and questions: 303-715-3236 or