Having responded in the same way as the apostles did to Christ’s command in John 13, we remain ever grateful for the priests of the Archdiocese of Denver and their servant hearts. Below are the priests who are celebrating milestone anniversaries in 2023. Thank you, Fathers, for your selfless and faithful service!
5 years
Father Darrick Leier
Father Angel Perez-Brown
Father Roberto Rodriguez-Cruz
Father Shannon Thurman
Father Tomislav Tomic
Father Emanuele Fadini, FSCB
10 years
Father Gustavo Becerra Mendez
Father Scott Bailey
Father Ron Cattany
Father Arturo Chagala
Father William Clemence
Father John Ignatius
Father Paul Kostka
Father Christopher Gama, O.F.M. Cap
Father John Ludanha
Father Joseph LaJoie
Father Jose de Jesus Murillo Ferro, L.C.
15 years
Father Mark Kovacik
Father Miljenko Pavkovic
Father Enrique Salazar
Father Doug Grandon
Father Accursio Ciaccio, FSCB
Father Jaime de Cendra, D.C.J.M.
Father Miguel Soubrier
20 years
Father Martin Frias-Guardado
Father Giovanni Capucci, J.C.D.
Father William Jungmann
Father Gary Selin
Father Francis of the Child Jesus Nekrosius, CSJ
Father Benito Hernandez, CR
25 Years
Father Raphael JeongHun Kim
Father Godwin Tema Nnamezie
Father Alvaro Panqueva
30 years
Father James Baird
35 years
Father Michael Suchnicki, O.F.M. Cap
Father Stanislaw Michalek, SChr.
Father Andrew Kemberling
Father James Goecke, S.J.
Father David Bluejacket, V.F.
Father Christopher Hellstrom
40 years
Father Andrew Huhtanen, O.M.V.
45 years
Father Ernest Shertone, O.M.V.
Father Elbert Chilson
Monsignor Thomas Fryar
Father Terrence Kissell
Father Martin Lally
Father Joseph Hartmann
50 years
Father James ReVello
Father Tekleberhan Dini
55 years
Father John Murphy
Father David Frank Wright, OP
60 years
Father Fred Gaglia
65 years
Father Peter Urban