There’s never been a better time to stand together as Catholics and Christians.
As we go through the Lenten season and approach Holy Week, many may be wondering how they can make a true difference in the life of the Church and help others come to see that it is truly more than they realize.
Each year on Good Friday, parishes, apostolates and lay movements around the world hold Way of the Cross processions to commemorate the sacrifice of our Lord and to humbly remind us of his suffering for our sake.
This year, why not make the turnouts for these processions greater than ever and in turn, provide a powerful witness for Christ in the public square?
The Way of the Cross procession, or the Via Dolorosa, is a great opportunity to reflect and meditate on the passion of our Lord. It is a visual sign to remind all participants and bystanders of Christ’s suffering, that he gave his life for our sins. Imagine if we gathered in cities across the country for this prayer, all on the same day? Let us humble ourselves and walk in the steps of our Lord together, so that all may see that he is with us.
Join a Way of the Cross
Locally, Denver Catholics will have a number of opportunities to participate in a Way of the Cross procession. The list below will be updated as parishes share information about their Way of the Cross processions with us.
Communion and Liberation Way of the Cross through Downtown Denver (English)
Friday, April 19, 11:45 a.m.
Meet at Monument on Capitol grounds between Broadway and Lincoln near Colfax
Contact for questions
Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion
Friday, April 19, 9 a.m.
Planned Parenthood, 7155 E. 38th Ave., Denver
Led by Deacon Greg Frank of St. Mary’s of Littleton
St. Anthony of Padua Way of the Cross (Spanish)
Friday, April 19
10 a.m. Mass; procession at noon
3801 W. Ohio Ave, Denver
Holy Ghost Parish
Friday, April 19
Noon and 6:30 p.m.
Inside Holy Ghost, 1900 California St., Denver
St. Vincent (Basalt)
Friday, April 19, 12 p.m.
Meet at St. Vincent, 250 Midland Ave., Basalt
Queen of Peace Parish
Sunday, April 13 (Palm Sunday), 3 p.m.
13120 E. Kentucky Ave., Aurora
Nativity of Our Lord Parish
Friday, April 19, 1 p.m.
900 W. Midway Blvd., Broomfield
Blessed Sacrament Parish
Friday, April 19
Meet at base of mountain (Wooly Mammoth Park-N-Ride @ 18506-18532 US Highway 40, Golden
CO 80401) at 9 a.m. or at base of Mother Cabrini Shrine (The Stairway of Prayer) at 11 a.m.
Click here for more info
St. John the Baptist Parish
Friday, April 19, 8 a.m.
323 Collyer St., Longmont
Starts at St. John the Baptist, ends at St. Francis of Assisi
Holy Name Parish
Friday, April 19, 6:30 p.m.
3290 W. Milan Ave., Sheridan
Christ the King Parish
Friday, April 19, 3 p.m.
830 Elm St., Denver
Our Lady of Fatima Parish
Friday, April 19, 6:30 a.m.
1985 Miller St., Lakewood
Start in Our Lady of Fatima’s parking lot and walk ten miles up to the top of the Mother Cabrini Shrine.