Our priests need our prayers!
Faithful the world over are invited to participate in the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests on Friday, June 7, 2024, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Our priests serve our communities day after day with compassion, dedication and generosity. We ought to recognize along with Pope Francis that “the Church could not go on without [their] dedication and pastoral service.”
Friday is a perfect opportunity for us to thank God for the gift of our clergy and to lift them up in prayer, asking the Lord to bless, guide and sanctify them.
In the Archdiocese of Denver, a special Mass for this intention will take place at 12:10 p.m. on Friday, June 7 at Christ the King Chapel at St. John Vianney Seminary in Denver. Mass will be followed with a time of Eucharistic adoration.
Join us in praying for all priests in a special way, that they be sanctified in their ministry to God’s people. You are welcome to use the prayer below, or say a special prayer of your own.
For more information on the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests, click here.
A Prayer for Our Priests
Jesus, Eternal High Priest,
you came to us to save us from our sins and to open heaven for us.
Before you died for us, you gave us the holy priesthood and the Eucharist at the Last Supper.
We thank you for our priest, who is your minister to help us grow in holiness and to attain heaven.
We are grateful for the many gifts that he brings to our community:
for leading us together in Eucharistic worship,
for baptizing our children,
for visiting us in our homes,
for comforting us in sickness,
for blessing our marriage,
for forgiving us our sins,
for supporting us in sorrow,
for helping us to grow in faith,
for inspiring us to be saints.
We want to be always be attentive to our priest, and never to take him for granted.
He needs our friendship and love,
kind words and acts of thoughtfulness,
and our prayers and sacrifices.
Dear Lord, we ask you to bless our priest and confirm him in his vocation.
Give him the gifts that he needs to shepherd us in holiness, strength and joy.
We offer to you this prayer for our priest,
who is our father, brother, and friend.