Father Sean Conroy and Father John Nepil definitely take Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati's motto to heart. The priestly pair recently finished summiting every mountain above 14,000 feet in the state of Colorado, but for Father John, the accomplishment was compounded as he finished celebrating Mass atop every 14er. The Our Lady of Lourdes parochial vicar and St. John Vianney Seminary vice-rector, respectively, see it as a new way of evangelizing others. While some might be unwilling to come to Mass, pray regularly or engage in the spiritual life, most Coloradans are willing to head to the mountains. Through the common pastime, Fr. Sean and Fr. John strive to share the truth, beauty and goodness of the spiritual life and to build community, all centered in the Eucharist. "The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith, and here we are at the summit, both spiritually and physically,” Fr. John said of the experience of celebrating Mass at the peak of a 14er. "There's nothing above you but God the Father." We sat down with the priestly pair recently to reflect on their experience and what it means to them and for the Church.
WATCH: 'To the Heights!': Celebrating Mass at 14,000+ feet... 58 times?!
Updated: Dec 21, 2024