By Kristina Millare/CNA
Pope Francis asked Christians on Ash Wednesday to set out in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, full of hope, throughout the season of Lent.
In his prepared March 5 catechesis, the Holy Father, who remains in Rome’s Gemelli Hospital for treatment of double pneumonia, spoke about the 12-year-old Jesus’ desire to live his mission as the Son of God.
“Jesus wants to live his vocation as the son of the Father who is at his service and lives immersed in his word,” he said. “Jesus’ first words [in the Bible] recognize that this paternity traces his origins from that of his heavenly Father, whose undisputed primacy he acknowledges.”
In his catechesis, the Holy Father also reflected on how Jesus’ parents, Mary and Joseph, had to mature in their own understanding of their growing son’s vocation and mission.
Reflecting on St. Luke’s Gospel account when the 12-year-old Jesus stayed back at the Temple of Jerusalem, the pope said Mary and Joseph felt the pain of parents with a missing child.
“Upon returning to the Temple,” the pope said, “they discover that he who, in their eyes, until a short time before, was still a child to protect, suddenly seems grown up, capable now of getting involved in discussions on the Scriptures, of holding his own with the teachers of the law.”
While having a “unique communion with the Word of God” as the mother of God, the Holy Father said Mary was not spared a demanding “apprenticeship” in learning God’s will at each moment of her life.
“Throughout this journey, the Virgin is a pilgrim of hope, in the strong sense that she becomes the ‘daughter of her Son,’ the first of his disciples,” the pope shared in his catechesis.
“Mary brought into the world Jesus, hope of humanity,” he continued. “She nourished him, made him grow, followed him, letting herself be the first to be shaped by the Word of God.”
By allowing themselves to be led by Jesus, the pope said Christians can imitate the “response of love” of Mary and Joseph during the season of Lent.
“Let us also set out in the footsteps of the Lord,” the pope said in his Ash Wednesday catechesis.