This past Saturday was a day of great joy and grace as six men were ordained to the transitional diaconate, dedicating their lives to serving Christ and his Church. Surrounded by family, friends and the faithful, they marked the beginning of their sacred ministry as they look forward to their ordination to the priesthood next year.
Deacon Jonathan Francois, Deacon Daniel Rivas, Deacon Jason DiRito, Deacon Paolo Mori, Deacon Daniel Viana Pereira and Deacon Manuel Alarcon Salinas are studying at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary and Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Missionary Seminary, both in Denver, and will serve the Archdiocese of Denver and its people.
In a stirring homily, Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila reminded the men of the profound calling they have received. With words both encouraging and challenging, he exhorted them to embrace their new role with humility, fidelity and an unwavering commitment to Jesus Christ. In fact, the archbishop said, the fundamental truth of their vocation is that their call is not to an institution, an ideology, or a mere set of commandments, but to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
"At some point in your journey," he said, "you heard the words of Jesus in your heart: 'Come, follow me.' Not follow some plan. Not follow some apostolate. Not follow some creed. Not follow some commandments, but rather, follow Jesus."
Quoting the words of the prophet Jeremiah, the archbishop emphasized that God had known and loved these six men long before they were even born. This divine calling, he stressed, is the foundation of their ministry.
"It is essential that you understand the truth that the one who loved you first was the Father and Jesus and the Holy Spirit," he reminded the six men being ordained.
(Photos by Dan Petty/Denver Catholic)
In their new ministry, the six new deacons are called to share the love they have encountered and to preach, teach and form others in the faith. Archbishop Aquila reminded them that their proclamation must always remain rooted in God's Word, not personal opinions or popular theological trends.
"Always make sure that it is God's Word that you proclaim, not some theory that some theologian has, but rather the Word of God," he said.
Archbishop Aquila encouraged them to develop a deep love for Sacred Scripture, especially the Gospels, and to let the voice of Jesus shape their hearts and minds. He pointed to the example of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch from the Acts of the Apostles, highlighting how Philip’s proclamation of Christ led to the eunuch's baptism. In the same way, he told the new deacons, they are called to lead others into an encounter with Jesus - a call which might even come in the middle of the night.
"You will be called upon in the middle of the night, awakened from sleep to serve. And don’t go grumbling and complaining, because then you’re listening to the voice of the devil, not the voice of Jesus," Archbishop Aquila told the new deacons, reminding them of their configuration to Christ the Servant and encouraging them to embrace their new role fully, serving with joy and without complaint.
Deacon Rivas, who grew up in Denver, shared that this opportunity of service is what most excites him for the diaconate.
“What excites me most about the diaconate is sharing, in a small way, in the endless love of God for his people and of Christ for his Church, especially through preaching,” he shared. “This ministry of service only reminds me of what Christ did for me in bringing me into the liberating love and mercy of the Father. I only wish to extend this to others.”
As the new deacons engage their new ministry at the altar and beyond, Archbishop Aquila reminded them of their role in preparing the sacrifice and distributing the Body and Blood of Christ, calling them to meditate deeply on the significance of those powerful words heard at every Mass: "This is my body, given for you. This is my blood, poured out for you."
In closing, he left the archdiocese’s newest six deacons with three key takeaways:
Know that you belong to the Lord – He has loved and chosen you from the moment of your conception.
Be faithful in proclaiming Jesus – Your primary mission is to lead others into an encounter with Christ.
Love the Truth – You are consecrated in the truth and must speak it with gentleness, compassion and boldness.
As the new deacons prepared to make their promises before God and his people, the archbishop’s final words, quoting from the Gospel of St. John, resounded: "Hear the words of Jesus in your hearts today. ‘Consecrate them in the truth. Your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I send them into the world.’"
With these words, the newly ordained deacons stepped into their vocation, ready to serve Christ and his Church with hearts set on the truth.