Guest Contributor
Mar 28, 2025
min read
Father Eric Zegeer celebrates Mass at Sacred Heart Parish in Denver. (Photo by André Escaleira, Jr.) By Jacqueline Gilvard Landry When it...
Elizabeth Zelasko
Understanding Christ's Love through Iconography and the Cross Artist(s) Unknown. Maestro della Croce 434 . “Crucifix with Stories of the...
Denver Catholic Staff
(Photo by André Escaleira, Jr.) Prep time: 35 mins Cook time: 40 mins Cost: $ Servings: 6 Ingredients: 6 medium potatoes, peeled and...
(Photo by André Escaleira, Jr.) Prep time: 15 mins Cook time: 25 mins Cost: $$ Servings: 4 Ingredients: 1 lb pasta of your choosing...
Mar 27, 2025
Video courtesy of 9News Holy Family High School’s baseball team hit it out of the park in more ways than one on Wednesday when they faced...
Jared Staudt
(Photo: Pixabay) Why does the Church celebrate Jubilee years? The concept comes from the Old Testament, marking the completion of seven...
Tanner Kalina
Mar 26, 2025
(Photo: Unsplash) I power my way past those walking casually. Need to beat them to the TSA Pre-Check lines. “Boarding pass?” I flash my...
George Weigel
(Photo: Unsplash) “Woke,” shorthand for what was once known as “political correctness,” helped fuel a grievance-based progressive...
National Catholic Register
Mar 25, 2025
The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to announce the birth of Christ. Here are eight things to know and share about the event and how we...
Mary Beth Bonacci
(Photo: Pixabay, edited) My brother, a medical doctor, says that I got my MD from Google University. He is not wrong. I’m a theologian,...
Marie San Jose
(Photo: Unsplash) If you’re anything like me, Ash Wednesday feels like it was about 40 days ago. But, surprisingly, we’re only a little...
(Photo: Unsplash) By Joseph Pearce/National Catholic Register It is unlikely that many people will think that Frodo Baggins, the...