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Nurturing Hope Amid Challenge: 10 Ways to Grow in Hope During the Jubilee Year

Writer's picture: Guest ContributorGuest Contributor
(Photo: Lightstock)
(Photo: Lightstock)

By Father Scott Bailey

Pastor of Risen Christ Parish in Denver

Chaplain of St. Raphael Counseling in Denver

Hope is “an anchor of the soul, sure and firm” (Hebrews 6:19). When a ship uses an anchor, it keeps stable in rough waters and prevents it from drifting away. Similarly, Christian hope keeps us stable when life is rough; it prevents us from drifting away from Christ.

Remember that Christian hope is not the same as earthly hope, which is more like vague positive thinking (like, “I hope it’s a warm day tomorrow”). In the scriptures, hope comes with certainty because it is rooted in a God who keeps his promises. Christian hope is more expectation than optimism.

In his recent homily on Christmas Eve, Pope Francis said that we are “called to recover lost hope… and to sow seeds of hope amid the bleakness of our time and our world.” Those words are truly challenging in the face of life’s difficulties. When we are walking through the dark valleys of life, we want to know that the Lord is at our side (Psalm 23).

So, how do we recover lost hope in our own hearts? How do we sow the seeds of hope for others?

As we enter into the Jubilee Year, I want to offer 10 practical suggestions for nurturing hope in our lives. To grow in hope, we need to engage our heads, our hearts and our hands:

Head (Thinking Correctly about God)

  • Identify any broken images of God that you may have. We know that Jesus has revealed the love of the Father uniquely, yet many of us still operate with a broken image of God. We may unconsciously interact with God like he is a demanding boss, a distant but kind relative, or a Santa Claus who keeps tabs on our behavior to ensure we’re being “good.” It takes some discernment to notice that we have a broken image of the Father, and that broken image may be different for each of us. But identifying and correcting that will go a long way in fostering hope in our hearts. Spend time with Jesus and let him reveal to you the Father who loves you with an everlasting love.

  • Focus on your circle of influence. In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey offers a concept to explain what we can and cannot control. He says that some things fall in the circle of “concern,” and others fall in the circle of “influence.” There are many things in the circle of “concern” that we may care about but can do nothing about. Focusing on those things can lead to unnecessary anxiety or stress. There are fewer things in the circle of “influence,” but those are the things the Lord has placed within our control. When we focus on those things we can actually impact, we can do God’s will, and we will reduce stress.

  • Think about eternal life. Hebrews 6:19-20 says that the anchor of hope “reaches into the interior behind the veil, where Jesus has entered on our behalf as forerunner.” That’s a poetic way of saying that hope is like casting our anchor into Heaven itself. Thinking about the eternal life that awaits us puts our present struggles in perspective. Focusing on the ultimate good of union with God can give us the endurance we need to deal with the temporary hardships in this life.

  • Remember how God has blessed you and others. When life is difficult, we need to be reminded of God’s goodness. Focusing on the memories of his blessings keeps us rooted in the truth of who God is.

Heart (Loving the Lord)

  • Practice gratitude. Thinking about God’s blessings is only part of the work. Thanking God for those blessings engages the heart and puts us in relationship with the One who provides for us.

  • Ask the Lord for an increase in hope. God gives us hope in Baptism. If we are struggling to hold onto that anchor of hope, we can ask the Lord to increase that gift within us. We can trust that the Lord will come through on that prayer because Jesus said, “Ask, and it will be given to you” (Matthew 7:7).

  • Spend more time in prayer. When life is difficult, prayer can be difficult, too. But there is no surer way to develop a relationship with the loving God who provides for our needs. We need prayer in order to have hope in God.

  • Go to confession. Reconciliation offers renewal to our souls by giving us a clean slate and reuniting us with the Lord. This can help us build hope in the midst of discouragement.

Hands (Actions that Build Hope)

  • Spend time with others, especially other believers. Most therapists would say that having healthy relationships with people who care about us plays a large part in our well-being. Engaging with others who share our faith can remind us that we are not alone. And acts of service help us to reach outside of ourselves and encounter Christ in others.

  • Fast from futile distractions. This is such an important aspect of building hope that the Holy Father has offered a Jubilee Plenary Indulgence for those who abstain on Fridays “from futile distractions (real but also virtual distractions, for example, the use of the media and/or social networks).” When we remove ourselves from pointless distractions and media that merely lead to discouragement, we make space to encounter God in the present moment.

Click here to read more about all the indulgences available during the Jubilee Year!

This Jubilee Year, may we all “hold fast to the hope that lies before us” because that hope is the “anchor of the soul, sure and firm” (Hebrews 6:18-19).

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