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Image by Simon Berger


Knights of Columbus Fish Fry Fridays are back

Rocio Madera

Updated: Feb 14

Fried Fish and Chips on a White Background (Photo: Getty Images)
Fried Fish and Chips on a White Background (Photo: Getty Images)

Lent is just around the corner, which can mean only one thing: Knights of Columbus Fish Fry Fridays are back.

For a full list of local Knights fish fry’s, scroll to the bottom of this post.

For decades, the Knights of Columbus have gathered every Friday during lent to provide non-meat dinner options for the community committed to fasting. They also benefit parishioners through the spiritual enrichment of praying the Stations of the Cross and support many programs within the community.

“As part of building the domestic church while strengthening our parishes, we support many programs that pertain to faith, life, family and community by putting our faith in action,” said Clark Musser, State Programs Coordinator of the Knights of Columbus. “The dinners are just one way we can involve almost all aspects of our Faith in Action Initiative in one evening.”

By hosting these dinners, the Knights of Columbus make it easier for parishioners to participate in the Stations of the Cross during Lent by freeing up their meal preparation time and allowing them to bring their family to Church to attend Lent services.

“As Knights, we are Catholic men that support our clergy and church. This is just one way we can help bring families together and strengthen the faith of not just us Knights but of the parish and community also,” Musser said.

Everyone is invited to attend a Fish Fry dinner. While most Knights of Columbus councils serve Fish Fry’s, some of them serve soup for a minimal fee to cover expenses or even just a donation at some parishes. For Musser, the dinners are more than just a Fish Fry, “It’s a faith, family and community building event.”

Fish Fry Fridays have become so popular that the Knights have their own recipe for the batter. The Knights of Columbus invite all to enjoy a delicious lent dinner, support their local parish, and strengthen their faith at the Stations of the Cross.

Below are all the fish fry’s we could find. Special thanks to the Knights of Columbus for helping us compile this list!


Spirit of Christ

7400 w 80th ave

Spirit of Christ

March 6, 27 5pm


Shrine of Saint Anne

Saint Joachim

Starting March 13, all Fridays after that


Queen of Peace Catholic Church

 13120 E Kentucky Ave

Bishop Evans

All Fridays


St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church

19099 E Floyd Ave

Archangel Council

All Fridays


St Mary

Our Lady of the Summit

Soup Dinners – all fridays

Colorado Springs

St Patrick’s

St Patrick’s Council

Feb 28, March 6 6pm

Colorado Springs

Saint Francis of Assisi

Mount Saint Francis

All Friday’s

Colorado Springs

/ Saint Mary Cathedral

/ Saint Mary Cathedral

March 6, April 3, 6:30

Colorado Springs

Divine Redeemer

Divine Redeemer

All Friday’s

Colorado Springs

St. Paul’s

St. Paul’s

Feb 28, March 6, 13, 20

Colorado Springs

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe

All Friday’s

Colorado Springs

St. Joseph

 St. Joseph the Worker

March 6 and 20th


Saint Michael’s

678 School Street

 Saint Michael the Archangel

Feb 7th, 28th March 20th


Church of the Risen Christ Roman Catholic Church

3060 South Monaco Parkway

Our Lady of the Luminous Mysteries Council

5-7 before stations of the Cross


Saint Benedict’s

Florence Council

Every Friday, except for Good Friday. Soup dinner


Our Lady of Loreto Catholic Church

 18000 E Arapahoe Rd

Our Lady of Loreto

Feb 28, March 13, 27

Ft Collins

St Joseph

Fort Collins

March 27, April 3

Ft Collins

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

Every Friday


St Mary Parish


All Fridays 5-7


St Peter parish


Feb 28, April 3 5-7

Highlands Ranch

Pax Christi

Rev. Robert F. Houlihan, S.J.

Feb 28th, March 13 and 27 7pm


St John the Baptist

Holy Trinity III

March 27th, 5pm


Christ on the Mountain Parish,

Christ on the Mountain

All Friday’s, 5 – 7


St. Francis Cabrini Parish

Arch-Bishop James B. Casey

All Friday’s, 5 – 7


Light of the World  Parish

Father Francis Syrainey

All Friday’s, 5 – 7


St John the Evangelist

Big Thompson

All Friday’s, 5 – 7, in the Knights Hall


Saint Francis of Assisi


Every Friday 5pm


St John the Baptist

St John the Baptist Council

Every Friday, 5pm


Guardian Angels

Our Lady of the Angels

Every Friday, 5pm


Immaculate Heart of Mary

Archbishop Fulton J Sheen

All Fridays 4:30-6:45

Pagosa Springs

Immaculate Heart of Mary

Immaculate Heart of Mary

All Friday’s


Ave Maria

Ave Maria

Every Friday. 4:30


Christ the King Parish

North Pueblo

Every Friday, except for Good Friday. 4-6:30

Salt Creek

St Joseph

1145 S. Aspen Road

Rev. Charles Murray SJ Council 9456

Feb 28th only


St Dominic

5354 South Highway U.S. 85

Holy Family

March 20 6pm


Our Lady of Peace

Our Lady of the Summit

Fish – all fridays

Steamboat Springs

Holy Name

Fr. Printer


Holy Cross

Holy Cross

All Friday’s, soup dinners with a Fish dinner on the last Friday before Good Friday.


St Marks

St Marks

All Fridays 4:30-6:45


Our Lady of the Valley

Our Lady of the Valley

March 6, 13 5-7

Woodland Park

Our Lady of the Woods

Teller County

Ash Wed, Every Wed after soup dinners

Saint John XXIII Council at Saint John in Ft. Collins, 2/28, 3/6, 3/13 & 3/20

Guardian Angeles at Guardian Angels Denver April 3 Soup Dinner

Mother of the Church at our Lady Mother of the Church in Commerce City, Feb 28, March 13 and 27 5-7

Coronado at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Denver, All Fridays during Lent except March 20

Our Lady of the Pines in Conifer, every Friday during Lent from 4:30 to 7 p.m.

St. James Parish in Denver, every Friday during Lent from 4:30 to 7 p.m.

St. John Paul KofC #17142 will be having a Soup Dinner 5:00pm to 6:30pm, prior to Stations of the Cross at 7:00pm on March 6th, March 20th & April 3rd at St. John Paul II Parish/Frassati Catholic Academy.

St Thomas More Council #10205 will be serving Fish Dinner every Friday from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm before Stations of the Cross (except for Good Friday) at St. Thomas More, 8035 S. Quebec St. in Centennnial.

Don’t see your parish’s fish fry here? Let us know at and we’ll add it!

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