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Get to know the archdiocese’s newest 6 priests!

On Saturday, May 10, Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila ordained six men to the priesthood at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception.

We asked the six new priests about their vocational journeys and what they’re most looking forward to. Read their responses and get to know them better!


Father Quoc Bui
Hometown: Nam Dinh, Vietnam | Home Parish: All Saints, Denver

What are you most looking forward to about being a priest?

As a priest, I eagerly anticipate celebrating daily Mass and hearing confessions. I also look forward to serving and guiding others on their spiritual journeys. Additionally, I am excited about the opportunity to study and deepen my understanding of Scripture.

Tell us about one person – clergy or lay – who inspired you to follow the Lord more closely.

The individual who has motivated me to deepen my connection with the Lord is my mother. She embodies strong Catholic values and is deeply devoted to her faith. Her joyful and peaceful demeanor serves as a testament to her unwavering faith and trust in the Lord. She refrains from complaining about others and consistently demonstrates kindness and love towards people. When I was a little child, she patiently and faithfully taught me to pray, encouraged me to go to Church every day and insistently woke me up in the very early morning (about 4:30 AM) to go to Sunday Mass. Being around her, I feel the love of God, which allows me to express love towards others more easily and sincerely.

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What would you say to someone beginning to follow the Lord and his plan for their lives?

Firstly, I would remind them that the Lord is so good and loving. One should strengthen their relationship with the Lord through a life of prayer. By doing so, they can encounter his love, goodness and greatness. Subsequently, they can develop trust in him and willingly surrender, knowing that he will attend to everything for those who genuinely love him.

Secondly, as St. Paul stated, “Those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified” (Romans 8:30). Embrace the belief that God employs diverse methods to purify and sanctify his chosen ones. Just as Jesus endured suffering, death and resurrection, his followers must learn from these experiences and understand that “to attain glory, one must endure hardships.” Therefore, embracing all challenges and sufferings with unwavering faith and hope is essential.

Thirdly, it is crucial to live joyfully. Joy stands as one of the primary and fundamental characteristics of Catholicism. To effectively witness the Gospel – the Good News – one must embody joy in one’s life.


Father David Hall
Hometown: Denver | Home Parish: St. Vincent de Paul, Denver

What are you most looking forward to about being a priest?

I am looking forward to sharing the joy of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Tell us about one person – clergy or lay – who inspired you to follow the Lord more closely.

Among many others, I was strongly impacted by the witness of my campus minister in college, Dave Trotter. Dave was a strong example to me of courageously and tirelessly proclaiming the Gospel. He challenged me to a greater boldness in being a witness of the love of Jesus.

What would you say to someone beginning to follow the Lord and his plan for their lives?

The Lord is gracious and merciful, abounding in love and kindness. Following him is the most wondrous, joy-filled adventure imaginable. Take courage; he is calling you!


Father Owen Limarta
Hometown: Batam, Indonesia | Home Parish: St. John XXIII, Fort Collins

What are you most looking forward to about being a priest?

Dispensing the Divine Grace to the people of God.

Tell us about one person – clergy or lay – who inspired you to follow the Lord more closely.

Father Rocco Porter inspired me to follow the Lord more closely. He loves the Lord, and it is evidently shown in his love for the people of God.

What would you say to someone beginning to follow the Lord and his plan for their lives?

Run as fast as you can toward the Lord, and do not be afraid.


Father Jacob Machado
Hometown: Denver | Home Parish: Our Lady of Lourdes, Denver

What are you most looking forward to about being a priest?

Being a part of Jesus’ work finding the lost sheep.

Tell us about one person – clergy or lay – who inspired you to follow the Lord more closely.

My Jaja (Grandpa) was a very faithful man and, I think, one of the coolest people ever to live. Apart from teaching me about skiing, camping, fishing, gardening and more, he also taught me faith by word, example and stories.

What would you say to someone beginning to follow the Lord and his plan for their lives?

Hold on and trust the Father. God cares for you and works all things for the good of those who love him. Don’t become discouraged by your failures. As St. Therese of Lisieux said, “Children often fall, but they are too little to hurt themselves very much.” Run to the Father and delight in him because he delights in you.


Father Ryan Mack
Hometown: Billings, Montana | Home Parish: St. Joseph, Golden

What are you most looking forward to about being a priest?

Priesthood is lived out in a particular kind of friendship with Jesus Christ. I’m looking forward to entering into that call and mission with him. I’m excited to get to the parish and am looking forward to getting to know the community there and being able to celebrate the Mass for them.

Tell us about one person – clergy or lay – who inspired you to follow the Lord more closely.

In college, I was deeply impacted by the witness of the FOCUS missionaries on campus at Colorado School of Mines, and in particular by the example of the missionary team director at the time, Gabriel. Gabe and I were never super close, but there was a certain integrity to his life that was deeply inspiring to me as a young man. He lived his life under the presupposition that the Christian mystery was true, and that evangelization was of eternal importance for souls. That example drew me and several of my friends into taking seriously the claims of the Catholic faith and looking for a way to live out those truths in the Christian life.

What would you say to someone beginning to follow the Lord and his plan for their lives?

It’s an incredible adventure! You will end up having experiences you never expected to have, but the Lord is good, and God the Father has an amazing plan for you. You can trust him.


Father Zachary Michalczyk
Hometown: Bailey & Commerce City | Home Parish: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Denver

What are you most looking forward to about being a priest?

I am most looking forward to being able to hear confessions. I have felt so much love and mercy from Christ in the confessional that I also desire to offer this to others.

Tell us about one person – clergy or lay – who inspired you to follow the Lord more closely.

Father Denis Miller was instrumental in my faith and journey to the priesthood. He was my campus minister while I attended Loras College during my freshman year. He invited me on a discernment retreat and became my spiritual director before entering the seminary.

What would you say to someone beginning to follow the Lord and his plan for their lives?

The Lord has a plan for every person. This sounds like we don’t have a choice to follow or not, but this could not be farther from the truth. We have the choice to follow or not. The thing is, I have found no other way than following Jesus and his path for my life, which has brought me the peace, joy and satisfaction that Jesus has offered to me. So yes, we have the option to choose God or not, but in the end, it’s only in following Jesus that everything in our lives makes sense, and joy follows.


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