By Emma Ramirez
Director of Respect Life Denver
Hope is a person. His name is Jesus. He is our cherished desire of what is to come: Heaven.
Although I have heard this time and time again, I don’t think I really understood it until recently.
My husband, John, and I welcomed our first child into the world on October 8, 2024. The journey of parenthood has been one of joy, tears, exhaustion, surprise, and… hope.
Becoming a parent is simultaneously the best and hardest thing I have ever done. It has illuminated the flaws that I thought were close to being resolved — impatience, selfishness and the need for control, to name a few.
Every day, I am reminded of my shortcomings but, even more importantly, that this vocation of being a wife and mother is a path filled with hope — a hope that it is my path to sanctity.
Each day, I am reminded that Jesus is calling me closer to him through my radical “yes” to the present moment, whether in the form of a 2:00 a.m. wake-up, a smelly diaper change, a meal that needs cooking, or a commitment to daily prayer.
In all these ways and more, Jesus has shown me a deeper, more beautiful hope in each person he asks me to serve, especially my husband and son. He has continually shown me that he, the very embodiment of hope, is much closer than I think.
During this Jubilee Year of Hope and beyond, I’m grateful for my vocation to motherhood and for the ways that Jesus is showing me his merciful, compassionate face in and through it. I’m grateful for the hope he’s giving me.
I pray that you, too, find hope — Jesus Christ himself — in whatever circumstances, challenges and blessings you find yourself experiencing.