Please note: This article is meant to be a fun take on celebrating Valentine’s Day on Ash Wednesday.
It’s not every year that Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day fall on the same day. In fact, the last time such an occurrence happened was 73 years ago in 1945.
While Valentine’s Day has its roots in the Catholic Church, originally a feast day honoring various saints named Valentine who were martyred in the 2nd century, it has since become a day dedicated to love and romance. As such, it has become a tradition in society to take your beloved out for an extravagant date – a tough thing to do if the date also happens to fall on the beginning of the penitential season of Lent.
So, what’s a smitten Catholic to do?
A few bishops in the U.S. have issued statements saying that the observance of Ash Wednesday should take precedence over that of Valentine’s Day, and of course, we agree. This means that for Christians, it’s probably not appropriate to gorge on bottles of champagne, boxes of chocolates and buckets of candy hearts with your sweetheart.
That said, there are still ways for Catholic lovers to indulge in the romance of Valentine’s Day and still fulfill the requirements of Ash Wednesday. Here are five.
Take her out for the best salad in Denver
Fasting and abstinence from meat are both important parts of Ash Wednesday and should be practiced as such. However, fasting doesn’t mean you can’t eat at all for that day; it just means you need to eat less (USCCB guidelines say one full meal and two smaller meals not equal to a full meal). With that in mind, why not take your darling out for a salad? Not just any salad though – a delicious, gourmet, downright to-die-for salad. Denver is home to a wealth of restaurants that feature healthy, vegetarian options that are also delectable. Just Google “best salad in Denver” and see for yourself.
Take her to Mass and confession
It’s the man’s job in a relationship to the be spiritual leader and head of his family, and this same mentality applies to men who aren’t married. Whether it’s a crush you finally gathered the courage to ask out, a new girlfriend, or a wife of 10 years, the role of a man to ensure that special girl in his life has a clean soul doesn’t change. Before you go scarf down that salad, take her to confession and get some ashes together at your parish.

Cuddle up to the Passion of the Christ
While the Passion of the Christ isn’t exactly your typical “date movie,” it is the ultimate love story. Watching this extremely visceral depiction of the sacrifice Christ made for mankind on the Cross serves as a potent reminder of what we are all called to as Christian husbands and wives. Cuddling is optional, but remember: this is a movie about Jesus.
Get her a box of salmon hearts
Because who doesn’t love getting a box of treats on Valentine’s Day? Granted, a box of salmon hearts may be a bit, um, fishier, than the contents of a box of chocolates, but at least you know you’re still well within the bounds of your Ash Wednesday obligations when indulging in them.

Offer up your penance during Lent in service to her
Finally, it would be wise – and quite chivalrous – to consider making your penance during Lent something that benefits her. For married couples, this could mean offering to do some sort of household chore each day or taking the kids in the morning to let your wife sleep in a little bit. For dating couples, it could mean being more intentional about doing something little each day to let her know that you care about her. Whatever the Lord calls you to, it’s virtually guaranteed that doing something along these lines will only benefit your relationship with your significant other, and what’s not to love about that?