With Hallowtide approaching, we have several opportunities to pray for our lost loved ones coming up in addition to retreats and conferences. What’s going on your calendar? Check out our calendar for all the upcoming events around the archdiocese!
Mass Open to the Public
October 4 | 12:10 p.m.
Christ the King Chapel at St. John Vianney Seminary
Enjoy Mass with our future priests in the seminary’s stunning chapel! Public Masses are held every first Friday of the month.
School of Identity Conference
October 4-5 | Encounter School of Ministry
Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church, Windsor
Grow in your identity as a son or daughter of God! Experience the most transformational elements of the Encounter School of Identity program at this 2-day intensive. Learn more here.
Annual Children’s Mass
October 5 | 9 a.m. Spanish & 11 a.m. English
Mount Olivet Catholic Cemetery Chapel
Remember children who have passed too soon with Mass at Mount Olivet’s chapel. Add a name for the Mass intention here.
Lunch & Learn
October 5 | 9 a.m. (Breakfast Session) & Noon
Mount Olivet Catholic Cemetery
RSVP here to save your spot at Mount Olivet’s free end-of-life preplanning sessions. Lunch (or breakfast) provided as you learn about the Catholic traditions of cemetery and funeral planning.
Padre Pio & the Mystery of the Stigmata
October 9-November 20 | 6:30-8 p.m.
St. John Vianney Lay Division Online Course
Learn from Dr. Alphonso Pinto and encounter Padre Pio’s example of heroic virtue and Christ-like suffering. Register today at this link.
Annual Behold Your Child Memorial Mass
October 25 | 7 p.m.
St. Thomas More Catholic Church
All are welcome to attend this archdiocesan-wide Mass offered for all who have experienced the loss of a child, whether by miscarriage, stillbirth, infant or older child loss. RSVP, requested but not required, here.
Healing the Whole Person Retreat
December 5-7
Satellite Location in Windsor, CO
Looking to experience the Healing the Whole Person weekend a little closer to home? Register here to watch the livestream with other local attendees!