Driver’s licenses strengthen our families, communities and society. For this reason, the Colorado Catholic Conference and Together Colorado will sponsor the informative panel, TOGETHER WE DRIVE, on Jan. 31, to bring awareness to some problems behind the 2013 Colorado Road and Community Safety Act (SB-251). Although the act is an indispensable program that has provided driver’s licenses, permits and IDs to over 50,000 immigrants in Colorado, it also raises difficulties. Speakers will talk about the oversights and lack of clarity in the act that threaten the ability of DACA recipients and other immigrants to renew their licenses or IDs. They will present how its inefficiencies impact our schools, local businesses, families and law enforcement.
The panel will include a faith reflection by Auxiliary Bishop Jorge Rodriguez on the role of law in our society and our moral obligation to improve laws for the common good and dignity of every human person. To attend the panel at Our Lady Mother of the Church Parish, located on 6690 E 72nd Ave., Commerce City, CO at 6:00 p.m., please RSVP at http://bit.ly/Jan31Panel.