Beginning Jan. 9, the Denver Catholic Biblical School will offer “The Fifth Gospel: A Study of the Book of the Prophet Isaiah” as a semester-long class at the St. John Paul II Center in Bonfils Hall.
Instructor Deb Holiday said that the Book of Isaiah is an especially beautiful topic to dive into, because as St. Jerome said, “It contains all of the mysteries of our Lord.” Holiday will teach the class, which will be lecture-based, from a Christological standpoint, as “almost every page has to do with Christ,” she said.
The Biblical School plans to offer more semester-length classes in the future “to give students and alumni opportunities to go deeper in various topics presented in introductory fashion,” said Nicholas Lebish, director. “It’s an opportunity for Catholic adults to encounter Christ further in the prayerful study of the Bible and Catechism.”
The class, which runs from Jan. 9 – April 24, costs $150 with some discounts available and will be a supplemental class which doesn’t include small groups, homework or tests. For more information, call 303-715-3195 or email biblicalschool@archden.org. Register at regonline.com/IsaiahClass2018.