The 2019 Legislative Session in Colorado ended earlier this month. There were hundreds of bills introduced and debated this year; some good, some bad and some fell somewhere in between.
“I would like to thank everyone who made their voices heard this Session,” said Jennifer Kraska, Executive Director of the Colorado Catholic Conference. “It is vitally important that your elected officials hear from you, regardless of party affiliation or whether you agree on issues or not; participation in the public square is something all people of good will should take seriously.
It would be a lengthy process to describe every bill the Colorado Catholic Conference worked on during the Legislative Session; Kraska provided a brief summary of some of the legislation and the outcomes.
Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education. PASSED
“The CCC opposed this legislation. It underwent drastic changes during the legislative process. While not great, the final version of the bill did make significant changes by removing many sections that were problematic.”
Colorado Department of Public Safety Human Trafficking-Related Training.
“The CCC supported this legislation. It allows for human trafficking prevention training to be established by the Department of Public Safety.”
Income Tax Deduction for 529 Account K-12 Expenses. POSTPONED INDEFINITELY
“The CCC supported this legislation. It would have aligned Colorado law with federal law in allow a tax-free distribution for K-12 private school tuition expenses.”
School Immunization Requirement.
“The CCC monitored this legislation. This bill would have modernized and updated immunization requirements for school entry to help improve vaccination rates.”
Information to Students Regarding Safe Haven Laws.
“The CCC supported this legislation. This bill will help public schools provide information to students regarding laws that provide for the safe abandonment of newborn children.”
Nonpublic School Teacher Development Programs.
“The CCC supported this legislation. This bill gives nonpublic schools the authority to operate certain teacher development programs.”
Repeal the Death Penalty.
“The CCC supported this legislation. This bill would have prospectively repealed the death penalty in Colorado.”