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On not being paralyzed by history (or the misunderstanding thereof)
TRIGGER WARNING: The next few sentences will upset some of you. There is a case to be made that the United States lost the Vietnam War —...
George Weigel
May 10, 20233 min read

Blessed Henri de Lubac?
On March 31, the bishops of France announced that they would petition the Holy See for permission to open a beatification cause for...
George Weigel
May 3, 20233 min read

The Catholic crisis over ‘us’
Cambridge historian Richard Rex has provocatively proposed that Catholicism today is embroiled in the third great crisis of its...
George Weigel
Apr 26, 20233 min read

"Pacem" in Terris after 60 years
On April 11, 1963, John XXIII issued the encyclical Pacem in Terris , a powerful call for a world in which there were neither victims nor...
George Weigel
Apr 19, 20233 min read

They’re back!
As the estimable Larry Chapp recently put it on his blog, Gaudium et Spes 22, “the deepest, most important, most contentious, most...
George Weigel
Apr 12, 20233 min read

Easter and history
Once upon a time, before the Cuisinart of advanced educational thinking reduced history, geography, and civics to the tasteless gruel of...
George Weigel
Apr 5, 20233 min read

John Paul II and me (and the Poles)
In the first chapter of Profiles in Courage , John F. Kennedy quoted an exasperated Congressman, John Steven McGroarty, who wrote an...
George Weigel
Mar 29, 20233 min read

Naaman, the Nazarenes, and the Germans
To vary Oscar Wilde, the Church’s liturgical life often imitates art by being strikingly appropriate to a particular moment. That was...
George Weigel
Mar 22, 20233 min read

A somber anniversary
March 13 ought to have been a happy day in Rome. But the mood in and around Vatican City before, during and after the 10th anniversary of...
George Weigel
Mar 15, 20233 min read

The New Ultramontanism and the Dissing of Vatican II
In its Dogmatic Constitution on the Church ( Lumen Gentium ), the Second Vatican Council firmly applied the brakes to “ultramontanism” —...
George Weigel
Mar 8, 20233 min read

AWOL doctors at the Catholic field hospital
The Healing of the Cripple of Bethesda by Pieter Aertsen, c. 1575. (Photo: Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons) Pope Francis’s image of the...
George Weigel
Mar 1, 20233 min read

Memo to Gen Z Catholics: Why Vatican II Is Still Important
A procession of cardinals enters St. Peter's in Rome, opening the Second Vatican Council. Original painting by Franklin McMahon, c. 1962....
George Weigel
Feb 15, 20234 min read

What Pro-Choice Black Leadership Has Wrought
The corner of Connecticut Avenue and M Street in downtown Washington is occasionally patrolled by young men and women seeking signatures...
George Weigel
Feb 8, 20233 min read

“Inclusion” and Catholicism
Back in the day, kiddie-Catholics learned that the Church had four “marks:” the Church is one, holy, catholic (as in “universal”), and...
George Weigel
Feb 1, 20233 min read

The White-Martyr Cardinals’ Dinner
On the night of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s funeral, Cardinal George Pell hosted a dinner in his apartment for a group of like-minded...
George Weigel
Jan 25, 20233 min read

Cardinal George Pell: The Encourager
On Tuesday, January 3, when Cardinal George Pell and I went to pay our respects to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, lying in state in St....
George Weigel
Jan 18, 20233 min read

Bob Andrews: A large and patriotic life
(Photo: Unsplash) The beginning of my friendship with Bob Andrews, who died this past December 2, would probably astonish contemporary...
George Weigel
Jan 11, 20233 min read

A world without rules?
Let us stipulate that the terms “international community” and “rules-based international order” have often been reduced to meaningless...
George Weigel
Oct 25, 20223 min read

An Open Letter to the Synod General Secretary
His Eminence, Mario Cardinal Grech General Secretary Synod of Bishops 00120 Vatican City Your Eminence: The “National Synthesis of the...
George Weigel
Oct 5, 20223 min read

“Matthew 25 Catholics”?
Barring a startling lurch to starboard in the Empire State, Kathy Hochul, who as lieutenant governor succeeded the unlamented Andrew...
George Weigel
Aug 17, 20223 min read
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