The 2021 Colorado legislative session is in full swing. There are many positive bills pertaining to the advancement of Catholic social teaching, but also many other bills potentially harmful to the Church also making their...
After an illustrious and devoted 40-year career working for the Archdiocese of Denver, longtime Director of Parish Finance Ernie Armstrong bid farewell on April...
The Paschal Triduum this year seemed like a return from exile: Holy Thursday’s Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, in church; Good Friday’s Commemoration of the...
Your gift to the Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal puts your faith in action. Donations directly support church values such as Catholic faith formation, community impact...
The funeral services for Boulder Police Officer Eric Talley, a devout Catholic who was killed in the line of duty March 22, were beautiful, moving and meaningful. They honored Talley’s faith, his...
Here’s a list of all the new priest assignments for the Archdiocese of Denver, including pastor and parochial vicar reassignments, parish administrators and chaplains....
National Library Week, observed this year from April 4 to April 10, is the perfect occasion to highlight the essential role of libraries and library staff in strengthening our communities – and our...