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HomeLists15 feast day quotes from the Doctor of Grace, St. Augustine

15 feast day quotes from the Doctor of Grace, St. Augustine

St. Augustine is one of the Church’s greatest theologians and biggest saints! The saintly bishop was prolific to say the least, with thousands of homilies, reflections, scriptural commentaries and more attributed to him. Thanks to his work, we know Christ and his Church much more personally!

Known for his profound insights and transformative journey from a life of sin to saintly wisdom, St. Augustine’s teachings continue to inspire and guide us. His writings on faith, grace, and the mysteries of God illuminate our path to a deeper relationship with Christ, his Church and our Blessed Mother.

As we honor his legacy today, immerse yourself in a few timeless quotes that resonate with truth and spiritual depth. May his words uplift your heart and strengthen your faith. St. Augustine, pray for us!


“It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.”


“Understanding is the reward of faith. Therefore seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you may understand.”


“Patience is the companion of wisdom.”


“Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you!”
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“In my deepest wound I saw your glory and it dazzled me.”


“Trials and tribulations offer us a chance to make reparation for our past faults and sins. On such occasions the Lord comes to us like a physician to heal the wounds left by our sins. Tribulation is the divine medicine.”


“Fasting cleanses the soul, raises the mind, subjects one’s flesh to the spirit, renders the heart contrite and humble, scatters the clouds of concupiscence, quenches the fire of lust, and kindles the true light of chastity. Enter again into yourself.”


“Fasting and almsgiving are ‘the two wings of prayer’ which enable it to gain momentum and more easily reach even to God.”


“God has no need of your money, but the poor have. You give it to the poor, and God receives it.”


“Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.”


“Our hearts were made for you, O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in You.”


“God loves each one of us as if there were only one of us to love.”


“The world being unworthy to receive the son of God directly from the hands of the Father, he gave his son to Mary for the world to receive him from her.”


“Love has hands to help others. It has feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. This is what love looks like.”


“What do you possess if you possess not God?”



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